The information for this substance is partially available.

The section entitled Complete data sheet is not available in English for this substance. Consult the French version.



Formule moléculaire brute : C20H18N4O3

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Espérase

Noms anglais :

  • Esperase


  • ▲1.  Biagini, R.E. et al., «Hypersensitivity reactions and specific antibodies in workers exposed to industrial enzymes at a biotechnology plant.» Journal of Applied Toxicology. Vol. 16, no. 2, p. 139-145. (1996).
  • ▲2.  Zachariae, H. et al., «Detergent enzymes and occupational safety. Observations on sensitization during esperase production.» Allergy. Vol. 36, p. 513-516. (1981).
  • ▲3.  Dor, P.J. et al., «Detection of antibodies to proteases used in laundry detergents by the radioallergosorbent test.» Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 78, no. 5, part 1, p. 877-886. (1986).

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