Numéro CAS : 9001-73-4

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L'information disponible sur cette substance est partielle. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le Répertoire toxicologique.



Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Papaïne

Noms anglais :

  • Papain


  • ▲1.  Niinimaki, A. et al., «Papain-induced allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in a cosmetologist.» Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 92, no. 3, p. 492-493. (1993).
  • ▲2.  Flindt, M.L.H., «Respiratory hazards from papain.» Lancet. Vol. 1, no. 8061, p. 430-432. (1978). [AP-022919]
  • ▲3.  Baur, X. et al., «Clinical symptoms and results of skin test, RAST and bronchial provocation test in thirty-three papain workers: evidence for strong immunogenic potency and clinically relevant "proteolytic of airborne papain" .» Clinical Allergy. Vol. 12, p. 9-17. (1982). [AP-059756]
  • ▲4.  Tarlo, S.M., et al., «Papain-induced allergic reactions.» Clinical Allergy. Vol. 8, p. 207-215. (1978). [AP-059630]
  • ▲5.  Milne, J. et Brand, S., «Occupational asthma after inhalation of dust of the proteolytic enzyme, papain.» British Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. 32, p. 302-307. (1975). [AP-059629]
  • ▲6.  Baur, X. et Fruhmann, G., «Papain-induced asthma : diagnosis by skin test, RAST and bronchial provocation test.» Clinical Allergy. Vol. 9, p. 75-81. (1979). [AP-059631]
  • ▲7.  Novey, H.S. et al., «Papain-induced asthma - physiological and immunological features.» Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 63, no. 2, p. 98-103. (1979). [AP-059632]
  • ▲8.  Konig, G., Baur, X. et Fruhmann, G., «Occupational asthma due to the plant protease papain.» European Journal of Respiratory Diseases, Supplement. Vol. 62, no. 113, p. 90-91. (1981). [AP-059628]
  • ▲9.  Konig, G., Baur, X. et Fruhmann, G., «Papain-induced asthma; incidence and pathogenesis.» Praxis der Pneumologie. Vol. 35, p. 29-33. (1981). [AP-059633]
  • ▲10.  Marchioli, L.E. et al., «Papain induced asthma.» Annals of Allergy. Vol. 38, no. 5, p. 373. (1977).
  • ▲11.  Nava, C., «Allergic manifestations from papain among workers of the drug industry.» Medicina Del Lavoro. Vol. 60, no. 12, p. 732-737. (1969).
  • ▲12.  Baur, X. et Fruhmann, G., «Allergic reactions, including asthma, to the pineapple protease bromelain following occupational exposure.» Clinical Allergy. Vol. 9, p. 443-450. (1979). [AP-059460]
  • ▲13.  Baur, X., «Studies on the specificity oh human IgE-antibodies to the plant proteases papain and bromelain .» Clinical Allergy. Vol. 9, p. 451-457. (1979).
  • ▲14.  Gall, H. et al., «Cross-allergenicity between kiwi fruit and thiol proteinases, pollen and foodstuffs.» Allergologie. Vol. 13, no. 12, p. 447-451. (1990).
  • ▲15.  Pérez-Camo, I. et al., «Latex allergy: evidence of cross-reactivity with papain and bromelain.» Allergy. Vol. 51, suppl. 31, p. 48. (1996). [AP-059636]
  • ▲16.  Vandenplas, O. et al., «Association between sensitization to natural rubber latex and papain.» Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 97, no. 6, p. 1421-1424. (1996).
  • ▲17.  Baur, X. et al., «Cross-reacting IgE antibodies recognizing latex allergens, including Hev b 1, as well as papain.» Allergy. Vol. 50, p. 604-609. (1995).

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