

Numéro UN : UN1566

Formule moléculaire brute : BeCl2

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Béryllium, chlorure de
  • Chlorure de béryllium

Noms anglais :

  • Beryllium chloride
Utilisation et sources d'émission 1 2

Le chlorure de béryllium est utilisé dans le procédé de raffinage du béryllium métallique.

La forme anhydre est utilisée comme catalyseur dans les réactions chimiques organiques.


Autres sources d'information

  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 2022 TLVs and BEIs with 7th edition documentation CD-ROM. Cincinnati, OH : ACGIH. (2022). Publication 0111CD. [CD-120061]
  • Weiss, G., Hazardous Chemicals Data Book. 2nd ed. Park Ridge, N.J. : Noyes Data Corporation. (1986). [RR-015005]
  • Weast, R.C. et Astle, M.J., CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. 63rd ed. 1982-1983. Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press. (1982).
  • Grant, W.M., Toxicology of the eye : effects on the eyes and visual systems from chemicals, drugs, metals and minerals, plants, toxins and venoms; also, systemic side effects from eye medications. 3rd. ed. Springfield (ILL) : Charles C. Thomas. (1986).
  • Patty, F.A., Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. Vol. 2, 3rd ed. New York : John Wiley & Son. (1978).
  • Windholz, M., The Merck index : an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. 10th ed. Rahway ( N.J.) : Merck. (1983). [RM-403001]
  • Bretherick, L., Handbook of reactive chemical hazards. 3rd ed. London; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1985). [RS-415001]
  • Friberg, L., Norsberg, G.F. et Vouk, V.B., Handbook on the toxicology of metals. 3nd ed.. New York : Elsevier. (2007). [RM-515001]
  • Curtis, G.H., «Cutaneous hypersensibility due to beryllium.» Archives of Dermatology. Vol. 54, p. 470-482. (1951). [AP-024236]
  • Fisher, A.A., Fisher's contact dermatitis. 3ème. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger. (1986).
  • HYGIENE AND SANITATION, VOL.30, NO.1-3, 1985, P.169-176 [AP-023913]
  • Lewis, R.J. et Sax, N.I., Hazardous chemicals desk reference. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold. (1987). [RM-515053]
  • IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks of Chemical to Humans, Some metals and metallic compounds. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans, Vol. 23. Lyon : International Agency for Research on Cancer. (1980).
  • Parkes, W.R., Occupational lung disorders. 2ème éd. London [Toronto] : Butterworths. (1982).
  • Health effects assessment for beryllium and compounds., 1987 Microfiche : PB88-179460, EPA/600/8-88/020

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